Discover Almerta .
Trails and tracks
Explore Almerta one of our six scenic trails.
The majestic Bluff
472 above sea level,
this is well worth a walk up and breathe in the crisp cool air.

“Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word a listening ear, an honest compliment to the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”
( Leo Buscaglia,(1924-1998).
Our farm your experience
Be snap happy with the beautiful scenery or take a closer look at the machinery up on History Hill – you may find some treasures to

natural springs
Great place to walk and enjoy the amazing walk through our gum creeks.
If only trees could talk.
Natural Springs32⁰ 15’39” S / 138⁰ 25’41” O

What you see is what you get......
It is a place of silence and beauty,
far away from the bustle of the big cities. Visitors walk among gum trees, up a stony bluff or along the abundant natural spring, which retains water all year round.

There’s bound to be something to suit, whether you’re an experienced mountain bike rider or novice, or looking for a short walk or a longer bush adventure

Interaction with nature, sunrise, sunsets, amazing gum creeks, the natural springs, birds and skies..
Plus a touch of our lifestyle………